Webtalk Updates and News

The new social media is on the end phase of beta testing and there are lots of Webtalk updates coming.

Before focusing on all let’s congratulate RJ Garbowicz for coming up with such a great idea. And let’s hear what he has to say in the first –
Webtalk’s National TV debut with an interview of Webtalk’s CEO, RJ Garbowicz, on the The Tech Show.

When you have two options move forward or Quit. RJ Garbowicz chooses to change the social management tool to the next best social media. The innovation goes further with the Webtalk rewards program. If you are still missing your invitation link. You can feel free to join here -> https://join.webtalk.co/6809522

Webtalk Updates – What’s coming next?

Now let’s talk about Webtalk updates. In the upcoming two months, there will be lots of changes. If you are part of beta you might have experienced Webtalk changing at a fast speed.
And now Webtalk is coming up with:-

  • Webtalk New profile Design with extra features added
  • Rewards page and separate app to manage your earning and referrals on the platform with extra marketing features.
  • App for beta pro testing before going live for everyone in the play store.
  • Webtalk also has an updated bonus program. If you have read my previous posts about Webtalk
    -> https://lifelacky.com/webtalk-review-a-lifetime-opportunity/
    There is a 5 levels bonus for 1 million users. In the updates program, the bonus is divided into 4 tiers.
    Tier – 1 is finished. that was up to 1000 users.
    Tier – 2 can claim 5 level bonus on every future product. EX – 10% on everything up to 5 levels i.e Travel portal, Marketplace, Job commission, or any new product gets added in the future. that is limited to 10,000 pro users.
    Tier – 3 can claim only the current 2 commissions i.e upgrade commission and rewards matching points earning up to 5 levels. It is up to 100,000 pro users.
    In the last tier, You can claim only 5 levels earning up to 1 million users on ad rewards.

You will always get all earning commissions from your direct referrals forever. 5 level bonus is something unique given to starting pro members to a limited number. The 50% off is also for limited time and it can disappear anytime.